Greetings Avatars,
In video games it is traditional to have a launch event. These events generally come in two flavors. They are either a party in which the development team has an opportunity to celebrate their achievement, or it is a press event meant to create enthusiasm with journalists and influencers. On rare occasions it is a mix of the two. On even rarer occasions these events are made open to the fans. Twenty years ago we did that very thing with the launch of Ultima Online and had a party with the fans at a nightclub called Paradox here in Austin, TX.
We are happy to say that we are going to do the very same thing with Shroud of the Avatar! The launch event includes our team, press, AND the game’s loyal backers, who are cordially invited as guests to the event. We feel very strongly that community is what this game is all about, so we want you to join us! The event is being made possible by our partner, Travian Games, who is co-sponsoring and will be in attendance.
The event is going to be one spectacular and historic celebration (literally). It will take place at the Bullock Texas History Museum in the Pong to Pokemon video game history exhibit that Richard Garriott and Starr Long helped design and contributed artifacts to show. Shooter Jennings will also be in attendance and playing a short concert.
Space is limited! In order to attend you must be a backer (game access or higher) and in good standing with the community. We are only able to accommodate one person per registration. We can only accept the first 100 confirmed backers due to event space. We will inform the community when registration is closed.
Event Details
Where: The Bullock Texas State History Museum
When: March 14, 2018 6:30 – 10:30 PM
- BBQ Buffet Dinner
- Cash Bar (Admission comes with 2 drink tickets, attendees must be age 21 or older)
- Shooter Jennings Concert
- Mix & Mingle with the Developers
- Backer (Game Access Purchase or Higher Required)
- First Come, First Served (100 person limit)
- Good Standing (Approval Required)
- Travel & Accommodations NOT provided
- Dress: Dressy Casual to Black Tie (Shroud or era related costumes are great too! No Shorts, T-shirts, Athletic Wear)
- Consent to Photography: By attending the event you consent to photos and videos of you being taken and shared for promotional purposes.
- Aged 21 or older
Fill out this form to submit your request to attend
We look forward to seeing you at the event! If you are unable to attend, fret not! There are going to be several in-game celebrations planned as well (details on those as soon as they are finalized).
Lord British & Darkstarr