Turning PvP back off

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by KnownInGameAsGeorge, Feb 5, 2017.

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  1. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Of course it's a nice offer , but this only needs duell or just flagging function and not MP and PvP exclusive scenes.

    I am pro PvP, therefore i think it should be have a meaning and matter beyond exclusive scenes, XP bonus or factions or whatever.
    I bet some cool titles and wearables and crafting recipes that need human bones what can be only lootet in PvP would more people encourage to flag than the biggest scene with faction cities.
    Things that aren't necessary, things that are optional like housing deco or wearable fluff.
    And then cap skills for PvP at 80 maybe , still a long way to go but 100 is too much.
    If you are flagged you can go play along have your 10% XP bonus for the risk and that's it.
    Why need exclusive Zones, what meaning was brought to PvP with this and why nobody does PvP there , you all get what you want.
    A PvP exclusive scene what is a short cut to Regalis from Drachvald.
    Well you maybe all don't get it, but for the most german players this short cut is nice to have, but dangerous.
    Rather a good meaning to PvP, but people avoid it!
    The long way is worth it, if you don't want to risk something because you haven't much restock capabilities or gold etc.
    This is , although most of the forum users don't get it, the reality for a lot of gamers I know.
    Well that's the gamers who spent 10-20 hours a week into the game, because they have to work, a family and things to do and don't live online.
    I think this is the majority.
    The game should developed mainly to this players, because they support the game the most, and not mainly to powergamers or hardcore PvPers, who of course should have some content like the rise and the possibility to flag always and everywhere.

    Everything else is outdated concepts and won't work in the long term. Or let's say it will work, but less good.

    If Portalarium end the equipment looting and left off from scene restrictions and make PvP just an option and the meaning is to be able to show of you are a PvPer with titles and fluff what is only craftable and needs loot from PvP like bones people will flag more.

    Make titles for 1 kill, 100 kills, 500 kills, 1000 kills, 5000 kills, 10000 kills...
    Recipes for special weapon and armor skins from human bone.
    if a player dies he should just drop a bone and the winner gets XP related to the adv level of the looser.
    And let them random drop a crown of war to buy cosmetic stuff what makes you more looking like a pk or anti pk.
    Cap skills at 80. Enough to PvE in t5 I guess.

    Would encourage me more to flag (when I have the main skills at 80) as everything else.
  2. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    For the record you were AFK at the crafting area and it was pretty obvious you were carrying a ton of crafting materials cause you could hardly move when you finally started to walk off. I was trying to prove a point and was going to send you a message warning you that it was dangerous to be afk and flagged. You ignored the first 5 things I said and then gave me attitude so I casted confuse on you a couple times because you pissed me off.

    I wouldn't have messed with you at all if you had just said hello or responded to me. Then once I left because I felt bad that I had cast confuse on you, you started calling me names and talking crap saying you wanted to fight. So I came back and you threatened to kill me the next time you saw me and then blocked me lol.

    I really meant no harm, you should never have you're flag on overloaded and crafting, I was trying to show you that without killing you but you took what I did in an even worse way and I understand that and I apologize for the way I acted afterwards. But I returned the book I stole worth 4 gold so don't act like you got robbed.
  3. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    OMG :D

    All sympathies to the Thief :rolleyes:
    georgegad and smack like this.
  4. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    The devs have said they're talking internally about a system where whenever someone steals from an NPC (after three times), they're marked for a bounty. They want to do this because they feel there wouldn't otherwise be any real consequences for stealing. I would support this, and also support the same system applied to stealing from other players.

    I actually took this idea off on a broader tangent and gave it a whole thread, Creating a Justice System, where I talk about how stealing, murder, and trespassing, among other crimes, could all be open to bounty, and talked about bounty boards as a means to gather information about local bounties, and a way for bounties to spread as you gain infamy. It could also be a basis for factions, as player guilds form alliances with NPCs.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  5. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    I'm no thief, my pickpocket skill is at 7 because I've done this to a couple other ppl. And if I see anyone with their flag on afk I'm going to do the same thing.

    You would be lucky if it's me that finds you afk and flagged. You won't lose anything, and hopefully you'll learn your lesson for free.
    Kara Brae likes this.
  6. smack

    smack Avatar

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    Ok, so he was consensually PvP flagged, encumbered, full of crafting goods, and AFK. Sorry, but this is just asking for it.

    I want PvE and PvP thievery in the game. That said, I think thieves should pay a price. I think there needs to be more risk to this style of play.

    There have been many calls for NPC guards to take action. Or a red/blue flag or bounties or justice system or whatever, etc. But the devs must do something to make the thievery system much, much, more riskier than it is now.

    If I'm a lifelong thief and have been caught (however that is defined) many times, I'd fully expect the towns that ban thievery (part of their lore, other towns thrive on it and care less) to KoS me immediately. And I would accept that.

    There are many ways to detect stolen goods (ex: Owner's Mark) and I'd love to see a black market created out of this -- along with the punishment that goes with owning and trading them. Much like the Maker's Mark secondary market, imagine a black market dealing with goods verifiably owned by other players or certain devs, like Lord British or Darkstarr, for example.
  7. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    You won't find me flagged, but if you one time find me flagged, i won't go afk if it's not a rl emergency.
    I played some serious full loot PvP games ;)

    After reading your view i just can't imagine what he was thinking and why he rant you.

    Anyway I just see many problems with pvp and it's sure not all about PvPers!
    On the other hand some PvPers ,those who spawncamp, kill you over and over again or those who exploit things before , although they know it, are bad for PvP itself.
  8. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    Read through a lot of the OP and other responses... I don't get why so many people are upset... it's not like you can't turn it off. Look I don't PVP because
    A) I'm not ready and
    B) because typically I have a lot of stuff I carry around on me.

    When I do though... grief will be a thing. I want to war, I want to live on the edge. I want to see you turning that corner into my dark alley and hand over your possessions! :p When I want to be nice... I'll turn it off.

    If you don't like the PVP mechanic in game... simply don't turn it on. PVP in most games is unfriendly. Want friendly... duel. Otherwise expect to deal with all the real life personalities etc that exist. Some people thrive on that... but to expect it to be friendly and organized is absurd. That's like comparing a jousting tournament to massive battle.
  9. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Well said.
  10. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    You are right but this is also the reason PvP will never reach the masses. No one wants to deal with "unfriendliness" in real life so why should they want to do this in a game?
    You can see this in games that offer non-consensual PvP. They don't attract masses of players and are niche games.
    georgegad, Alexander and Stundorn like this.
  11. Thwip

    Thwip Avatar

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    You would be happy to have me find you flagged PvP and AFK,... LOL I'd probably try to buff you and leave you be

    Most PvP flagged people I've met so far have been really cool. A high level Avatar can wipe out a whole group though. ;)
    georgegad, Adam Crow and Numa like this.
  12. Teralitha Tokomi

    Teralitha Tokomi Avatar

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    The only checks and balance are other players, with morals who hunt and kill the jerks, for fun. The battle of Good vs evil! Thats what its all about. You call in your friends, your friends get even for you. Then their friends get even on your friends and so on and so forth til everyone on the whole server is involved in one big battle royal. All because... of YOU. hah

    Live n learn. Next time turn off pvp BEFORE you go around carrying valuables.
    Chrystoph Reis, Adam Crow and E n v y like this.
  13. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    Enough people do that and PVPERS will complain that they don't have anyone to rob and the devs will force a half hour timer on unflagging or such nonsense.
  14. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Pickpocket is, yes, because someone thought that making it a PvP exclusive skill was a good idea.
    georgegad likes this.
  15. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    I've always thought having everyone start the world flagged for Open PVP would be a good way to begin the game... have folks earn their right to protection through the Oracle by doing a quest or something else meaningful. Maybe if you're gone for too long... 28 days or something like that - you'd always rejoin the world flagged. The Oracle could offer you protection of course, but only if you're active and doing the tasks required to maintain her favor.
  16. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    You want to scare away a large potential playerbase right from the start?
    lafe1969, Gix, Numa and 4 others like this.
  17. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    There's not a ton of pvpers going to various PvP scenes, but they do pick spots to hang out in or patrol frequently.

    Since theres enough pvp space to avoid them, i like that i can activly try to avoid killers while attempting to reap the benifits of pvp areas. If there was just 1 scene, and they all just piled in there, id be forced to kill them before reaping the benifits of the area. And being somone who doesnt focus on being the best at killing, i would be entirely excluded.

    Since theres lots of areas, im able to reap it with the risk of being killed instead of the garuntee of being killed.
    Stundorn likes this.
  18. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    It wouldn't scare them away entirely - the first two scenes you're alone in a purely PVE environment anyway so what's the harm? Start the game flagged and do a simple (but meaningful) quest before entering the MMO portion of the game - make your choice with the Oracle to receive protection or become a Daring Adventurer. I suppose it should maybe scare folks a little - that's part of the excitement!
  19. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    That would be a good way to ensure that SotA doesn't succeed.
    Stundorn, georgegad, Onyx and 2 others like this.
  20. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    Portalarium is currently going through the Kickstarter promises and making sure they have all been implemented prior to release. One of those promises is fully consensual PVP. That is why your suggestion is doomed.
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